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The K.I.S.S Moment

Stress free.

All of us long for the above. In all our pursuits, we finally want to be happy. The journey of life is to unwrap this gift happiness that lies somewhere. But, where is it?

With my girl friend?
With my grades?
With my 6 digit income?
Does it lie in our hands?
Is there a guide who can reveal this secret to us?
Do we need a guide who can show us the path?
When does it happen?
Has it happened already?
Do we experience it every day or once a week or now and then?
Can it be scheduled?
Is it spontaneous?
Is it something gross or tangible?
Is it a subtle emotion?
Is it an emotion?
Can it be taught?

They and many other queries arose in me. The thing that bamboozles me the most is the fact that irrespective of what we do in our lives, one fine day, the appointed time does arrive. Yes, it’s the stipulated time to face Lord Yama. He doesn't spare anybody. You may have all the wealth known to mankind, but all of that is function-less in his realm. He can’t be bribed nor can the time be postponed. It will happen. We forget that we human beings are after all mortals. All that we've or we've not accomplished doesn't appear to matter much in the end, or does it?

Imagine what Infinity is like! 
Consider the Multi-verse! If somehow we were able to have a quick glance at it’, say from the Almighty’s outlook, earth appears to be such a tiny petty little substratum. And yet, in the very same place, there exists so much of anger, frustration, greed, jealousy, hatred, pessimism, and disharmony. From the stand point of the universe, the entire livelihood of earth appears to be a joke. And just like a joke is intended to make us laugh and give joy, what other purpose to life can there be? Why can’t all of us just live in symmetry with each other? After all, aren't all of us interdependent? Can any of us survive without each other?

Irrespective of our social background, I am sure that all of us at some point of time have experienced joy where no other situations seem to bother us. And when does that happen? It happens when at that particular instant of time, we are 100% dedicated to the moment i.e. we are neither brooding in the past nor anxious of the future. If that happens, then where does the concept of time itself arise? It’s a fanciful thought, isn’t it?

Happiness is a simple complex which complicated simply. I feel that the precise moment before the KISSING actually happens is the most blissful one – THE KISS MOMENT. The act itself may be out of lust, but if we could freeze time right before the occurrence, ultimate joy could possibly be right there. But of course, would we stop there? Ha Ha! We’d jump straight into the performance, and come back to square one.

These are some of the KISS moment’s in my life. I’ve definitely not achieved at being 100% devotion at these instances, but, the number of thoughts during these actions is considerably less when compared to the other deeds.

1.      Carrying a baby in my arms.
2.      Staring at the mountains or the ocean.
3.      Listening to a lecture on Vedanta.
4.      Riding my bike.
5.      Travelling alone.
6.      One of those crazy times with friends and family.
7.      Singing the National Anthem.
8.      Watching intense political debates.
9.      Reading.
10.   Meals Time.
11.  Play Time.
12.  Trekking.
13.  Precious Nap Time.
14.  Sound Sleep.
15.  Serenity at a sacred place.

These are few of them that I could think about in my life. What do you think yours are?

Let’s think.
Let’s list them out. 
Let’s analyse.


  1. Many of your kiss moments seem to match mine. My ultimate kiss moment was my 'KISS moment' :P :) Description of happiness as 'some moment where you are 100 percent dedicated' is a perfect line! But I have a strong feeling that even 'fear/anger' could share the same description, 'where you are 100 percent dedicated & time tends to freeze'. You should also have a thought how fear/anger contradicts happiness! Looking forward for your next passage! :) :) :) btw , I could imagine a bright circle behind your head, LORD RAMA with great wisdom rises! :P :P :) :)

    1. Ha Ha!
      Thanks for the complement! :P
      True! When we are angry, we are close to 100% into the action.
      But, what is the emotion that we feel?
      Is it not sorrow?
      Is it not regret?

      Do read this post on Anger.

  2. my moments :

    1. listening to old classical music
    2. Drinking my favourite - a glass of cold coffee
    3. Sound of the waves at the Marina beach
    4. a long drive
    5. Running into someone you like unexpectedly

    1. Ha Ha!
      That's nice. All of us have such beautiful moments. Only if, they could last! :)


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