Friday Evening.
Most Important presentation of my career.
I got out from my boss's cabin. I am one of those guys who barely sweats after half an hour of strenuous exercise; and here I was, dripping with sweat. My shirt was wet. This rather uneasy situation was probably a morale boost for my fellow associates. I didn't care for that. What I did care about was about the date I had that evening. I was 2 hours late. 'No Action this weekend as well!' Damn! Well, just another solitary weekend, I thought.
The only plus point was that I still had the 'Job' - that would pay my rent, give me calories, pay my gym fees, buy me booze and smokes, pay my rather expensive pseudo 'dates', satisfies my parents, and ultimately that yields nothing but deep anguish within.
I headed to my apartment which was 5km from work. Naturally, it took an hour to reach! I had a nice cold shower and grabbed some beer. I had been alienated from current affairs that week. And what was the headlines? "Sachin misses out Again!" What the fuck! For some reason, I felt my bad luck somehow affected his fortunes. I decided to fast that night - Not for corruption, but for my idol. I was sure my fast was more rational than Anna Ji's.
The Door Bell Rings.
Who the fuck at this god damn hour???
Half awake, I opened the door. The next thing I remember was that I was at the receiving end of the Birthday Bumbs. It was my birthday! I had no freaking idea! 'We are 25 for heaven's sake!!!' I yelled at them. The wacking got into 5th gear. So did my bum! There they were! My close friends - Suyesh, Rohan, Abhishek, Deepa, Sneha, and Julie! It was a surprise indeed! I felt I deserved it - especially after the difficult quarter! My chums had flown in from different parts of the country! I felt 'special' all of a sudden! I felt nice; probably for the first time in weeks!
There wasn't enough furniture for all. None of us was born with a silver spoon! Rohan proposed the terrace! All of us headed for the terrace with loads of beer and junk food - the Best combo for such an occasion! The girls, naturally, refrained from the junk, but not the booze! The night was cold, and the ice cold beer just made it so much better! All of us updated our lives! It is not often that our gang meets up! Two of us were already married by now! Wonder when I'll find the one! Remembered the date I missed. We spoke for hours - about college life, chicks, guys, bosses, philosophy, sachin, etc. etc.
5 am.
Senior citizens had woken up! In the concrete jungle, where else can they do their morning work out, but the terrace! After some uncomfortable stares, all of us headed back to the house! Some of us slept, while some of us headed out for some fags! I wondered how easy I was with them, but less so with my colleagues.
By late morning, all of them had left! They had flights to catch to return to their mundane activities! We'd never forget that night! Especially me! I needed a distraction! After attending calls from my parents, relatives, and friends, I decided to go to the temple! I deeply hoped for a fresh beginning, filled with optimism. I decided to see things a little more differently!
After the pooja, I returned home! I had a sumptuous meal that afternoon, which I had prepared myself!
My phone rang. It was my boss! Something was wrong! He never calls on a Saturday!! We spoke for a long time! This was totally unexpected! After about 45 minutes, he hung up! My face was filled with despair!
I was fired!
Copied and pasted?
ReplyDeleteNo No!... It's original!.. I'll never do that!
ReplyDeleteIt's a story dude! FICTION