All our thoughts & actions are so relative. But, at the same time, there are so many common notions across the diverse sophisticated spectrum of all our minds put together.
For example, consider the following scenario.
At a particular stage in Ramu's life, he wishes to achieve top secret classified goals, which is like totally 'different'.
1. Get up early and study for the test.
2. Study for the test.
But then, what makes Ramu get these ideas? Why does he want to study? Forget that! Why does he want to get up early and study? Studying is after all an action. How does it matter when he does the action? Is the time of action an important parameter? Is the action itself relevant? Why is there a test in the first place?

Let us take another situation in Ramu's dreary life. He meets a really charming & cute girl at work.(Yes! Real Surprise! Yay!!) It's the classical love at first sight phenomenon. As my friend would say, "love is brainless". They have just another banal relationship. Texting, day dreaming, Bankruptcy, some kissing, some sex & little bit of 'love' along the line as well. Then, one fine day, Ramu decides to propose to her. He's so much worried about what kind of ring to get her, which restaurant to take her to, which Champagne to buy, which tie to wear and so on. But then, why does he have to propose in a manner by which thousands of others have gone through? Why the same old protocol? Isn't he allowed for example to buy her some fries & coke and say "Just like how the potato was raw earlier, and so awesome now, my life underwent the same transformation when you came to my life. Will you marry me?" Yes, Yes. I know! It's lame and not romantic and shit. But then isn't romance also not relative? Why the same protocol? Is thinking different a crime? Why the same game? Why is it the same rules?
Let's look at Ramu's career. He has 2 degrees to his name. B.E & MBA![OMFG! Amazing! Right?] He had no clue why he took up B.E, but then swore to find his passion and find the job that suits his temperament. He tried. 1 year, 2 years, 5 years. But then, it didn't take him anywhere. His career went for a toss. That's something that never goes well with the Indian society. And then, he is succumbed to what he feared the most - same protocol! Why is it that we try to go by the rules of the society? Why is the role of social etiquette over played always? Then, what did he do? MBA! [What a suprise!] He's now having a lucrative career, a nice Bungalow, an Innova, 2 Kids, and basically, a 'comfortable' life and blah blah. But, there is a sense of regret. Ramu has to carry this baggage till his graveyard. Is it not a sense of false accomplishment? How many of us get absorbed by this? Think! I certainly have. And, I wan't to do something about it.
Coming back to the point. Wait. What was it?
Yes. Rules. The rules that governed Ramu's life were created in the past by our predecessors based on their experiences of the world. All of us need guidance to proceed anywhere, and it's present for us to get a perspective of the game. But then, many a times, we are so busy heeding to the rules, that the game itself is forgotten. Rules which are there to help us, many a times end up causing pandemonium and chaos. Possibly, that itself is the rule!
Life is a game. Just like every game, this one also has rules. Who frames them? The cosmos, of which we are an integral part. Who breaks them? It is the very same cosmos again, isn't it? But then, why is it that in a game of infinite dimension & possibilities, we all go by the same set of familiar rules. It is definitely a safer bet, and probably the right thing to do as well. But then, is that necessarily the correct way? Why not the other way? Aren't we all heading to the same goddamn place in the end? Why the same protocol? Why?
Ur proposal protocol did make me smile ..great write up man.