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Early Days in CEG

08/08/08 - Very Auspicious Indeed. Go ask the numerologists.

The Beijing Olympics had begun. Well, that didn't matter much to me. The onset of awesomeness had taken its course.

Those were the days when the conversations would be like:

A:  Hi. What's your cutoff?
B: 199. :( :(. Nee?
A: That's all? Sad dude.  :P :P
B: You?
A: 200
B: Must be ECE, definitely!
A: Yes. I am so happy. ('We should ask him now the same question :P')

Getting into ECE was/is/will be like getting a ticket for a Justin Bieber concert. Just like the latter, it is getting out of it, that matters. I recall the first day, leaving my house at 7 am, for some lab. I get into the bus and hand over a  INR50(Those days, the conductors would literally pound you for this. Now, if you have change, you get smashed!). So I reach college by 7 30, and still I am one of the last ones to get there. I see uptight looks on people. I mean, it is the first class for heaven's sake! I was totally out of place! "When you are in Rome, be a Roman". Well, I started to behave apprehensively, to fit in, and guess what, it was the Physics Lab. From the following week, I didn't have to act any more. It came to me more naturally.

All of us have friends, close friends and best friends. Something that has always puzzled me is how 'the bunch' gets formed. Nevertheless, it happened, and the original Tree Gang had been formed. We used to spend more time near the Sun Dial than we did in the class. What did we talk about?

Chicks in IIT-M. Chicks in Bangalore. Chicks in Hawaii. And, of course, that chick in that class in SAP.

Those were the times, when I used to give proxy! Proxy's were like an obligation. If you don't give them, you were considered a nerd. Funny thing! All of us were 10 pointers back then! And, it was easy back then too! 

'All work and no play makes Rama a dull boy'. Well, as far as Semester 1 was concerned, I honestly don't remember any work! From freshers day, to AGNI, to all those pooja holidays and of course the bonus - Rain Holidays! Can't recollect how many we had back then! 

Emotions are difficult to express. I dedicate this 'bucket list' to my first semester class mates! You folks rock!

1. Thursday and in general, the entire schedule!
2. Last Bench - (I would say 3 separate bunches) - 'The cool dudes' :P
3. The irritating English bitch - what's her name again?
4. The goddess of all goddesses! - Krishna Ambal!
5. EG - What did we do again for this? Awesome Raghuram!
6. The Pink Jackass and the awesome Blue dude
7. Mass Bunk in Physics! (The only mass bunk that i've been part of till date! :( )
8. The multiple Saroja Experiences!
9. IIT Saga
10. Where is the FOC Mam again? Is she committed now?
11. The million dollar love story everyone would want to see - The V-V Show!
12. The Class Rep! 


  1. eked out a tear of nostalgia accompanied with pearls of pining laughter dude! damn, saw the whole of the first sem flit by in front of my eyes...

  2. U write well macha... :) ders a Chetan Bhagat kinda feel to ur wrtin..

    -Arvind Joshua

  3. @Anirudh! LOL! Thanks! There a lot of other stuff I wanted to put! But, well, due to ethical reasons, i didn't!

  4. @Joshua! Thanks dude... Chetan Bhagat! Well thanks dude! Though, I didn't enjoy his latest book that much!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. good one ram!telme whos ur foc mam?!?!?!?!


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